Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Poop's Gone Sour

This morning, I was talking with one of my honorary mothers, Cindy, and she was telling me about how she knew when her daughter was cutting a tooth. She told me that when Nyla's poop has a sort of "sour" smell to it, a tooth is shortly following. At first I thought to myself Nyla's poop always smells sour, but I kept Cindy's tip in the back of my mind.

Fast forward two hours to me changing Nylabear's diaper and the scent hit me. Literally slapped me in the face. It didn't smell like her regular, musty, poopy diaper (you're welcome for that description). It had a little extra kick to it; totally unpleasant and borderline tart. Is this the sour that Cindy was talking about?!

I am now on full-blown red alert! Oh Nyla, your first tooth may be coming! I think this deserves some extra snuggling today...well, anything is cause for extra snuggling with my girl.

PS: Nyla, mommy does not like staying up until 1:30 in the morning. Please go to sleep earlier tonight. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Second Time In Two Weeks

Well, our lovely Nylabear has pooped in her car seat twice in the last two weeks. Do you know how ridiculously difficult it is to disassemble a car seat? Damn Graco has this 8,000-point security system on the seatbelt, with 14 holes that it has to be threaded through to take it apart. And on top of everything, once you have figured out the Rubik's Cube of a seatbelt system, the last step is to remove a cover that holds the ends of the belts. This cover is ridiculous; you almost need pliers to pry the thing off. RIDICULOUS.

What's the stupidest part of the whole thing? Putting the car seat back together. It literally took me 20 minutes to put it back, and then I realized that I had threaded the FBI-approved seatbelt through the wrong slits in the seat. Grrrrrr...the seat has now been reassembled correctly after another 20 minute bout with it. It took Nyla maybe 6 minutes to blowout the seat with poop, 40+ minutes for me to put it back together after the wash.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

You Would Think...

You would think that with starting to eat solid foods, especially prunes, that Nyla's digestive system would get it under control and she would poop easily. But alas, no and here is another mystery of infants. Yesterday, Nylabear was super fussy...I mean, F-U-U-U-U-S-S-S-S-Y-Y-Y. Nothing was making her happy except for a bottle. Unfortunately I mistook this as her being super hungry. Wrong again, Mommy.

Apparently her tummy was upset. How do I know? Well today, she took three massive dumps, that's how. How and when and what the texture is of her poop tells me everything about how my Nyla is feeling. Nyla taking three massive, peanut butter textured poops today tells me three things:

1. She feels better.
2. She was overfed yesterday.
3. She was very uncomfortable yesterday.

Congratulations, Nyla! Your bowel movements are the highlight of my life. :)

In another little portion of our lives, surprisingly not revolved around poop, Nyla is a star at church. She's well-behaved, smiles at the other people, plays quietly with her toys, and is all-around lovely. The funny part about Nyla is that she's quiet most of the service. But she's got a funny little intuition that tells her when it's a good time to start talking. And by "good" time, I mean when it is quietest. During prayer today, it was silent in the church; you could literally hear the boards creak. This is when Nyla started in on her talking. Just blabbing away, laughing, shaking her rattle, sucking on her fingers, etc...Right when the prayer was done, she was all done talking. We like to think she was saying her own prayers.

(To end this little blog, I would like to call your attention to some breaking news: Nyla has taken another dump, making that four poops for the day. She's now happily bouncing in her bouncy chair, poo-free.)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

We're Getting Busy

I am finding it more and more difficult to find time to write this month! Lately I have just been super busy with Nyla, especially since she's becoming more mobile! Homegirl is just about ready to start crawling. She can get up on her knees and hands and just rocks back and forth for a second. Then she gets tired and flattens out on the floor.

There is definitely no leaving this girl alone anymore though. Not even for a second! She rolls all over God's creation, twisting around the bed, squirming all over the living room, etc...Right now, the safest place for our Nylabear is either with us or in her Pack-and-Play.

Also new in her life is that for real this time, she's teething. Crazy drool and she's always got something in her mouth: her fingers, blanket, toys, Okie, her (clean) diapers, spoons, anything! We're just waiting on her first teeth to pop on through so she can start chewing on things instead of just sucking them to death.

And lastly, Nyla has started eating real food. Her first food: prunes. We have to keep this girl regular! So now we don't have to add prune juice to her bottles...we're adding it to her rice cereal. Hello, smelly poops. If I thought it was heinous before, I'm going to need to find a stronger word to describe her poops now. Whoa STANKY.

Here are some pictures of our girl lately. This was her in her new outfit, sitting at Jimbo's's my dad's little bar on their back deck. :)

Any money in there?

Ooh, this looks fun.

Look at my redheaded baby!

She thinks she's all diva with her sunglasses. do I operate this?

Hi Grandpa! I miss you!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Get A Clue

We had a lovely weekend in Milton-Freewater with my in-laws. They were super happy to see Nylabear, and we took her bouncy chair so that everyone could witness the enjoyment of Nyla in it. It just brings a smile to everyone's face to see her nearly bounce herself out of it.

As we left the house, we were driving down the road and I said to Paul, "Honey, I think Nyla pooped." We decided that we would see if it continued to smell, reaffirming that she did indeed poop, and we would change her in Athena, just a few miles down the road.

Well, the smell stopped aerating through the car, and Miss Nyla fell knocked out asleep. So we agreed that it was just a fluff (my nieces' word for fart) and we could continue on to The Dalles. Almost three hours later, we arrive at Paul's grandmother's house.

Me: Hi Ellen! Oh I'm so happy to be here! I gotta change the baby's diaper.

Grandma: Uh, yes Lizzie, I think you have it on your hand.

WHAT?! As it turns out, Nyla had pooped...and had been marinating in it. Gross! She had poop all over her buns, her back, shoulders, knees, feet, in the toes. Everywhere.

But to make this little experience even better, the poop had seeped from her outfit, down through the car seat, and through to the car seat base. It was literally everywhere underneath her. It was so far underneath her that we actually had to wash her liner to her car seat and power wash her car seat itself and the base. We set it out in the driveway to dry.

You would think that after five months of being a parent, we would have this whole "change-the-diaper" thing down. Apparently not.

Now we have learned lesson #593,293: if you smelt it, she dealt it.

Bonus note: check the picture below of Nyla being fed by Paul. This is proof that he is Mr. Incredible when it comes to feeding her rice cereal. Look at how happy and clean she is in the picture! I, on the other hand, am still an amateur.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Polar Opposite

At the beginning of our Nyla's life, we struggled pretty good with constipation. It was painful to see her trying to push one out, and if she went a few days without a poop, that was okay.

It seems that Miss Nyla's body has switched directions, because now homegirl is pooping multiple times a day. Case in point, today I went to Target with my mom. Nyla had already pooped in the morning so I didn't worry about bringing the diaper bag into the store; she wasn't going to go. Oh how wrong I was. Nylabear decided to poop right in the middle of my shopping expedition. Thankfully my mom was with me, so I was able to go out to the car and get the diaper bag by myself. We all know that doing anything with a baby takes fifty times longer, so any chance I get to do something individually, I take it!

After Target, I thought to myself Okay Elizabeth, she's pooped twice now so we're good for the rest of the day. Incorrect again, Mommy. We drove to Milton-Freewater today, and en route, we stop at Paul's grandmother's house for about an hour to play and let Nyla stretch. She could have pooped anytime during the hour we were there, but noooooooo. I think Nyla heard us saying "Bye Grandma! See you again soon!" and started pushing out her dump. 10 minutes down the road, jackpot again for Nylabear!

Let's not even talk about the aroma of her poop right now. We've added rice cereal so the diet so the "notes" of her poop are even more emphasized and fragrant now. In layman's terms, it's heinous. But I'm much happier having a happy, pooping baby! Hooray Nyla, maybe your tummy issues are maturing! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

More Food On Face Than In Tummy

Here's a miniseries of pictures I took this morning at breakfast to prove her messiness during eating. Notice how in some of the pictures, there is rice cereal in her nose. Lovely. What a disaster she is...but she's cute, so I'll forgive her.

(Really, I still think it's me making her such a mess. How I can't figure out a way to feed her like a lady is beyond me.)

Rice cereal from chin to nostril.

She's being cheeky now.

"Let's hug, Mom!"

"Oh I'm just hanging out, eating my clothes and bib."

"Mmm, delicious bib."

She thinks this is funny.

You can't see it, but there's some on her ear.

"Best breakfast EVER, mom!"

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nyla, Meet Spoon

It seems like I'm the only person in the entire family that struggles with spoon-feeding Nyla her rice cereal. My husband can feed her a good, healthy amount of rice cereal without even getting a spot on her face. My mother can do it in under five minutes and not a single splash of rice cereal on her face.

I am the worst. I try to avoid feeding Nyla her rice cereal as much as possible, because it is a disaster when I'm done. First off, it takes us over 15 minutes to feed, whereas her dad can get it done in over half the time. I spend most of the time trying to entice Nyla to open her mouth with my stupid sounds and songs. Oooohhh Nylaaaaaaa, here comes your foooooooooooooooooood. Never works.

And when I'm done feeding her food, she has it everywhere. Cheeks, fingers, forehead, ears, elbows, toes, down her shirt, up her nose. It's disastrous.

I need to learn the way of Paul Ellis. He's so smooth and efficient when he feeds her. I must study and master his skill, because as it is right now, I get frustrated. Will try again to feed her tonight for her dinner feeding. Nyla, I will dominate this so you can get your food easier! :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A King Isn't Enough

You know, when Paul and I were newlyweds, we bought this beautiful, big, fluffy king-size bed for ourselves. Oh my goodness, it was heaven to be in. I had my half, he had his half, and if we wanted to stretch out in all directions, we could! We had pillows galore and all the room in the world to sleep comfortably.

That little slice of heaven is gone now.

I woke up this morning gripping the edge of my bed for dear life. I stretched my head up to see where Paul was and there was my dear husband, in the same exact position as I was just on the clear other side of the bed. Who's in the middle, you ask? Our children.

When Nyla woke up around 5:30, I brought her to our bed to nurse and to go back to sleep for a little while. Nyla takes up more room than I do in a bed! And she's only a little over two feet long! But who takes up more room than her? OKIE! She sleeps flat on her back, crossways between Paul and me!

Here she is on the couch. Apparently she owns this.

I guess she's comfortable.

So as a family, we look like a big "H" in bed: Paul and I on the sides, clinging for dear life on the edges while our two children lazily stretch themselves between us. Now they are living in our heavenly bed, comfortable and happy, while Paul and I wonder how a king-size bed isn't close to being big enough for us!

Yeah yeah yeah, don't get all high and mighty, telling me that I'm breaking the cardinal rule of child-rearing: never let them in your bed! I'm over that. I will take the two or three hours of extra sleep in exchange for having Nyla in our bed. As for Okie, well she's a lost cause. I'm afraid she'll be in our bed with us forever. She is the original snuggle bug.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Need: More Absorbent Diapers!

Okay, so we've been super busy for the last few days, so I haven't had a chance to write. Not much really has changed; our Nyla is sweet as ever and we're loving her terribly!

The one thing that has changed is that Nyla has a newfound habit. She is peeing all over herself at night! Goodness gracious, she has a huge bladder! The night before last, after only four hours of sleep, she woke up screaming. When I went to get her and picked her up, she was soaked up to her shoulders. I felt awful! Our poor baby!

So now Mommy and Daddy need to wake up in the middle of the night to change her multiple times. How come no one told me about this?! I feel like I need to go on a diaper search again, looking for a super absorbency diaper that can hold in the pee!

Other than Nyla and her bodily functions, things are pretty normal around here. She's growing up everyday and we're just loving every minute!. Look at this video below to see her in action in her bouncy chair. Forgive my singing...I'll do anything to get a smile from our monkey girl.

Friday, August 5, 2011

This Just Happened

Really, do I need to add words? No.

Yesterday Was Disastrous

My poor Nylabear was a hot mess yesterday. I expected all the crying and fussiness the day of her shots, on Wednesday, but it didn't happen. I thought to myself, "Right on, she's handling it fine!" No, she did not handle it fine. Poor sweet thing.

From the moment she opened her eyes until about 6 p.m., Nyla was crying. I don't know if it was because her legs were sore or just the vaccinations working their way through her body; whatever it was, she was not having it at all. For Nyla, yesterday was all about eating and being with her mama...and crying. She didn't want to play, didn't want to be in her vibrating chair, screamed no to sitting and standing. All she wanted was her mama and to be comforted.

I spent the day yesterday with my girl in my arms. She slept a lot, and when she wasn't sleeping, she was crying. I didn't like that one bit! But as the day wore on, she began to feel better and the smiles started coming out. At one point, I did have to give her some baby Tylenol because she started running a little fever. That seemed to help a bit, especially after eating.

Today is good for her though. She woke up her cheery, cheeky self. So all is well back in the Ellis household. :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Growing Girl

We went to the doctor today for her 4 month check-up. Homegirl is growing like crazy! Here are her stats:

Height: 26 1/2 inches
Weight: 16lbs 13oz
Head size: 17 inches!

Given her size and weight, she is in the top percentile. This means that she is bigger and heavier than all other babies her age. Wow! Basically she is the size of a 6 or 7 month baby. :)

Today we also had to have her second round of shots. As a parent, I have not been looking forward to this at all for over a week now. As the nurse prepped for the shots, I was instructed to just make sure that she stayed still and her hands were restricted so she couldn't scratch herself or anything. I leaned over her to snuggle with her while the nurse delivered the shots. He didn't even have to tell me when he was giving her the shots; it was written all over her face.

Initially she was all smiles and giggling and trying to chew on my hands. The next second, an ungodly scream, immediate red face, tongue sticking out, eyes squeezed was a sight. Then the second shot, and the screaming continued!

I thought she was going to cry forever, but it wasn't like that at all. She cried for maybe a minute, then it was like she forgot it even happened. She was back to looking around and trying to chew on my shoulder. She would only fuss if I accidentally touched her thighs.

All I know is that it took everything for me not to punch the nurse in the nuts for hurting my babygirl like that. I know I'm not the only parent to ever think that so I don't feel bad about saying it. But now, my Nylabear is all good and she is vaccinated for all kinds of little germs that could come on the attack.

Next trip to the doctor: 6 months. I must start prepping myself in September. :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don't Startle the Baby!

What is going on with Nylabear? Just recently she has started to get startled very easily. For example, if someone comes up to her and makes a remotely loud noise, Nyla screams. If Okie starts running around the house on the hardwoods, she cries. If there is a loud bang on a movie on T.V., she screams bloody murder. What's up with that?

For the first four months of her life, Nyla has always been very comfortable in loud settings, seeing as family has always been around. But all of a sudden, she's turned a corner. She likes it a little quieter I guess. I can't even begin to adequately describe her cry; it's almost like hyperventilating and crying at the same time. Her face goes beet red, her hands clench up, and her mouth is wide open. The only consolation for her at this point is either me or her daddy.

As much as I'd like to say that we'll start to quiet down, I don't think we will. People say that you shouldn't be quieter just for a baby; the baby needs to adapt to the lifestyle. It's just not practical for it to be quiet in every situation in life. So we will continue on as we are now. But we are asking people to please try to not make loud, surprise noises. Homegirl doesn't like that one bit.