Saturday, May 5, 2012


Our child is growing up. She is learning new things. New things that aren't always great for her to learn. For example, Miss Thang has learned how to throw a tantrum. We're thinking she picked this up from other kids, because she just started doing it out of the blue one day.

If you take something from Nyla that she's not supposed to have, like a rock, her tantrum follows. She will drop to her knees, lie flat on her stomach and start to cry, face-down on the floor. And not a cute little baby cry; it's a disgusting, shrilly, tongue-hanging-out cry. No tears, though.

That's her trick--she makes you think she's crying, so when you pick her up you realize there were no tears. But homegirl has gotten her way and now you're holding the baby. Hmph.

Mommy needs to put on her big girl pants and get down and dirty with this parenting thing. Say goodbye to sweet, doting, overnurturing Elizabeth Ellis--here comes Rambo Elizabeth, ready to parent and teach and be strong in my will to raise a respectable citizen of this country...with a few (million) kisses along the way :)