Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nyla's Second Year So Far

So it's been a week since Nyla turned 1, and her birthday party was so fun! Lots of laughs, lots of food, lots of taking pictures of her eating a cupcake. Nyla was all about the frosting! It was super adorable!

But enough of the mushy stuff, let's talk about what's happened since she's turned 1:

1. She went to her yearly checkup and received 5 shots. Do you know what a child who just got poked in the thigh five times sounds like? It's deafening.

2. Also at the appointment, we learned that she is 31 inches long and 24lbs11oz. Our child is officially bigger than a standard Thanksgiving turkey.

3. She's slept through the night...once. Don't get me started.

4. She has a rash from drooling so much underneath her lips. Basically, she looks like a 12-year-old going through puberty on her bumps everywhere. Gross. Yes, I just said that part of my daughter is gross. Sue me.

5. We have expanded her food substantially. Now she won't eat her pureed food as much. She's all about sharing with you or with everyone. And she begs worse than Okie. If you're eating, Nyla will literally stand right next to you with her mouth open and leaning toward you. I will try to capture a picture next time.

6. And just today, we've started her drinking milk...cow's milk, as the pediatrician says. I'm nervous to do this since she's been on soy formula forever, but the doctor says it'll be all good so...real milk it is! We also got a mild shaming when we told our pediatrician that we put Nyla to bed with a bottle.

7. Also today, Nyla watched her first episode of Barney...and loved it. L.O.V.E.D. it! I'm thinking Paul will love this new chapter of her life. "I love youuuu, you love meeee.."

Here we go, into our second year of life with Miss Thing!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Birthday Wish: Granted

Homegirl is now 1-year-old. She enjoyed a lovely party with family, only missing my in-laws! BUT we're doing a 2nd party with them next weekend! Nyla will be happy because she will be able to devour another cupcake. See video below.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

364 Days

What a difference a year makes. Hello, look at the pictures below! The one on the top is Nyla at 14 days old. The one on the bottom was taken yesterday, which would make Nyla 364 days old. Ridiculous!
Look at how humongous she's gotten! Look at how different she looks! Look at how, over the course of a year, I still haven't learned to do my hair! :)

My Nyla's birthday is tomorrow. Mommy is going to be teary, I can tell.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

When We Found Out

Well, as we come around to Nyla's first birthday, I better recount the night we found out we were pregnant so that it's documented somewhere for our girl in the future.

June 2010 was a big month for us. We moved to Lincoln City, both of us started new jobs, and we were loving living next to the ocean. Paul and I had been trying to get pregnant for over a year and it wasn't happening at all. There were a few false hopes, months where my period was late, but when those tests came back negative, I was devastated. I cannot accurately describe my sadness when we weren't pregnant. But Lincoln City was a new place for us and a new beginning! Who knew what could happen?

As we started into July, I started waking up in the middle of the night for a week straight feeling like dog doo. I literally had to talk myself out of barfing on Paul next to me. Seven nights in a row of nausea and fully-focused deep breathing. I would have thought something of it, but the nausea just disappeared.

A week later, my breasts were so sore. Okay, there's sore like there's a bruise on you; this soreness was ridiculous. I was almost in tears. That's right, I was ready to cry over my boobs. You would have thought I would have started picking up on these little changes in my body, but no. I think I was in denial and not wanting to get my hopes up. Then the tell-tale signs started showing: no period, nails growing extra fast and strong, senses heightened. I think inside, I knew I was pregnant.

Paul wanted me to take a test, but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't face a negative again. Even though I had a strong inkling I was pregnant, I didn't want to even consider being wrong. But Paul came home one night with tests and we decided to go for it.

I wouldn't let Paul in the bathroom with me. Before I went in, I told him, "Okay, let's prepare for a negative." Do you know that three minutes is a very long time when waiting for a pregnancy test to turn? At first, the negative line started to show. I felt the tears, I felt the desperation, I felt the depression coming.

And then my world flipped as the plus sign started to show through.

"Paul, give me that box." He says he knew right then. Talk about your world changing in an instant! For me, it was like the whole world tilted, everything was different immediately. I think we ended up taking seven tests over a few days just to be sure, since the doctor only saw pregnant women after 10 weeks.

When we told our families, we were about seven weeks along. The rest is history. 33 weeks flew by (except for the last three or four), and now here we are. Our babygirl is almost 1 and life is sweet.

*Now y'all. Don't be getting your hopes up about us having another one anytime soon. Everyone can pump their brakes about that.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Owning The Shame

Okay, here's the truth. I'm still wearing nursing bras. Yes, the bras with the snap down flap...still wearing them. I haven't nursed Nyla since she was six months. Hello, she's turning 1 on Thursday. Time to put away the nursing bras.

When does "ooh I feel so sexy?" come back? When does the desire to be super fabulous with my undergarments come back? I am making progress, though. Almost everyday I put on my makeup! I don't wear my pajamas until noon like I did at the beginning of this adventure! Now I need to take the next step and put back on some cute bras...or at least bras that don't have four inches of padding and a drop-top.

But here's the thing. I nursed Nyla. Nursing nipples look like something that should be on National Geographic. The last thing I need are my NatGeo nipples to be sticking out in public, which I think is my rationalization to myself for continuing to wear nursing bras.

I will persevere though; nursing bras, be gone (tomorrow)!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Germ Addict

I think Nyla is addicted to germs. There are three things that Nyla will undoubtedly find in any room, whether it's empty or chock-full of people:

1. The garbage can
2. Any electrical outlets
3. The sickest kid in the room

Inevitably, Nyla is able to search out these things no matter where we are. The library is her favorite place to find these three things. It's like there are magnetic force fields around garbage cans and outlets and she is just drawn to them. I can't even count how many times I have to bring her away from them. And don't even get me started on sick kids in public. The other day, Nyla managed to make friends with the illness-infested child. Never mind there were six other toddlers there that she could have socialized with; she had to be with the sick kid. Gross.

My favorite blogger, Scary Mommy, said it best with her Valentine's Day card:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

She's Fine

The other day, Nyla decided it would be great to pee through her diaper and three layers of clothes. Cool.

When we got home, I grabbed my pee-drenched child and decided it was time for a bath. I stripped her down while the bath was filling and she ran around naked for a minute or two. Sidenote: can I tell you how cute her buns are?! Don't think I'm a predator or anything, but her thighs and buns are BEYOND adorable. I'm obsessed.

So into the bath Nyla goes, and things are going just fine. She's playing with her rubber duckies, splashing in the water, and laughing. I reached down to grab the baby shampoo, and out of nowhere, Nyla stood up in the bath. She stood all the way up, then flexed her knees, and began to pee. As if she hadn't peed enough in her clothes, she needed to also pee in the bath.

Homegirl stood up, peed, then sat right down in it. Lovely. Did I drain the water out and refill the tub? Hell no! I just added a little more shampoo/baby soap and lathered her up real good. I mean, she's fine right? The water dilutes it anyway, and it's just formula-and-apple-juice pee. She's fine.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nyla's Favorite Song

Last night, Miss Nyla woke up at 4 a.m. and decided to stay up for a little bit. No big deal, other than mommy was ridiculously tired...but whatever. Are my needs even important anymore? No.

Getting back to the story, she really only stayed awake for about a half an hour before she closed her finger in between two pages of a book. That was enough to hurt her a little, although I think it was her tiredness that really was the issue. She burst out in tears and I swooped in and snuggled with her. I grabbed our favorite blanket, a little pillow, and we sat in the rocking chair. She was a squirmy-wormy until I started to sing her favorite song--"Jingle Bells."

My sweet thing loves "Jingle Bells" more than any nursery rhyme in the universe. She knocked out immediately once I started singing! Whew! I took her back up to bed, and she was out! Love it!