Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's a Pants-less Party

A week or two ago, I thought to myself, "Nyla should be self-sufficient. She should be able to take her own clothes off when we change into our jammies." I am now regretting that decision to teach her those skills. Homegirl now loves to take off her pants. LOVES it.

Case in point: $1 taco night on Tuesday. We went to the Mexican spot in Tigard and had tacos. Nyla happily had a grilled cheese and fries and then wandered around our table, people watching. Paul and I are talking to my parents, just visiting, and I saw her out of the corner of my eye. Miss Nyla was standing in the middle of the restaurant pulling her pants down. She pulls her shirt halfway up her tummy and then starts to fervently pull at the waistband of her pants. What do you do, but laugh and try to convince a 20-month-old to keep her pants on?

Let's just hope this little pants-less phase doesn't last into college.

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